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What's the difference between an assembly line a
The publisher:admin views:1262 Release time:2020/11/2

I. Assembly line:
The assembly line is in a certain line on the continuous delivery of goods handling machinery, also known as the transport line or transport machine. According to the delivery of series of products can be generally divided into: belt assembly line, plate chain line, multiple chain line, plug-in line, net belt line, suspension line and drum assembly line these seven kinds of assembly line. It generally includes traction parts, bearing members, driving equipment, tensioning equipment, reversing equipment and supporting parts. Pipeline delivery can be large, long distance, but also in the delivery process together to complete a number of process operations, so it is very widely used.
The type of production line, according to the size of the range is divided into product production line and parts production line, according to the speed of the rhythm is divided into flow production line and non-flow production line, according to the degree of initiative, is divided into active production line and non-active production line.
The basic principle of the production pipeline is to divide a production repeating process into several sub-processes. The previous sub-process invents execution conditions for the next sub-process, and each process can proceed in conjunction with other sub-processes. In short, it is "function differentiation, spatially sequential, spatially stacked and parallel".

II. Production Line
Chinese Name: Production Line & NBSP;
Production line
Definition: a mechanical system equipped with operators or industrial robots that sequentially completes a defined production process. Applied Disciplines: Mechanical Engineering (first-level discipline); Machining Technology and Equipment (Second-level Discipline); Metal cutting machine tools - all kinds of metal cutting machine tools (third-level discipline)
Product production process through the route, that is, from the beginning of raw materials into the production site, after processing, transportation, installation, inspection and a series of production line activities composed of the route. Narrow yield line are organized according to the principle of object, the end product craft processes produce a kind of organization form, namely, based on the principles of product specialization, equipped with some products (parts and components) of various equipment and the type of work that is required by workers, as some sort of end products (parts and components) of all production operations, to the same object of labor in different process of processing.
The characteristics of the production line is that each process has a specific person to complete, step by step processing. Each person does a specific assignment.
The advantage is that it's faster to produce, because everyone just needs to do the same thing and knows what they're doing.
The drawback is that the person doing the homework will find it very boring.
The active line is through the use of a set of machines and equipment that can be actively processed, tested, loaded and unloaded, and transported to form a highly connected, fully active production line to achieve the production of products. It is further developed and formed on the basis of successive assembly lines. It is an advanced production organization form.
Its development trend is: improve the adjustability, expand the scope of technology, improve the processing accuracy and the degree of initiative, with the combination of computer to achieve all the initiative of the workshop and the active chemical plant.
To sum up, in the production process of a product, the production line is the entire production process. The steps in a process can be disconnected. An assembly line is a series of successive links in the manufacturing process. If one or several links are interrupted, the whole assembly line will be paralyzed. Pipeline refers to a production workshop in an assembly line machine to complete the operation process. And the production line refers to the whole production process of the factory. For example, from receiving orders, beginning design to mass production. This is the production process.

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